Question: I believe that Jesus is coming back but I'm not sure
if I'm ready to meet Him. I could never meet His expectations, for I am
human and a sinner.
Answer: Thank you for honestly expressing your apprehension
about the coming of the Lord. Like you I confess that "I am human and a sinner." I am ashamed how often I fall short of the holiness and love that should
characterize my life in Christ Jesus.
Yet I can honestly say that I am
ready for His return; I wait for Him with joy and great expectation.
Don't think that I am being presumptuous. If I had to depend on my own
goodness to be accepted by God, I would rather hide in the deepest cave
of the mountains. I am unworthy. In myself I only deserve Hell.
But praise be
to God: my salvation does not rest on myself. I am the sinner, He is the
Saviour. I am the sin, He is the sacrifice. I am ready because I trust
in Him to save me from the wrath of God to be revealed on that momentous
day. "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation
through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us" (1 Thessalonians
Would you prayerfully read the following passage and re-think the
whole question on salvation?
"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by
faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the
glory of God...Much more then, having now been justified by His blood,
we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when we were enemies we
were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having
been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Romans 5:1-10).
Those who trust in Christ are "justified by faith" - they
are right with God and at peace with Him. They are not at peace with God because they live perfect and sinless
lives. There are no such creatures on this planet. They are at peace
with God because they are justified by faith - the faith that reaches
away from oneself to Another for righteousness and pardon. It is by
Christ, and specifically by His blood, that they are justified before
By His death, Christ reconciled His own people to God. By His
everlasting life, He is the eternal guarantee of their salvation. The
Bible promises us who
believe in Jesus Christ that we shall be saved from the wrath to come by our living
I hope that, looking away from yourself, you fix your
eyes upon
the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and place all your confidence in Him for
salvation. The last words of Jesus recorded in the Holy Scripture are a
promise of His return. "Surely I am coming quickly." His
people answer with enthusiasm and glorious anticipation: "Amen.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"