What is Sola Fide (Faith Alone)?
Question: The heart of the matter is the difference in the
protestant and catholic definition of faith. Catholics see good works as
an integral part of faith and cannot be separated. Protestants see good
works as a unrequired effort.
Answer: The Protestant doctrine of “Justification by Faith Alone”
is often misunderstood and caricatured. When Protestants speak of
"sola fide" (faith alone), we are not arguing in favour of a
barren faith, nor are we saying that good works are optional or
nonobligatory. Sola fide is definitely not: Faith ® Justification minus
Works That is the kind of "faith alone" that historic Protestants,
along with St James, refute and reject. It is a heretical doctrine called
“antinomianism”. Some nominal Protestants and evangelicals misinterpret the Bible and
ignore the historic Protestant teaching (see note 1) -
supposing that they can be saved by faith and yet continue to live like
the rest of the world, in sin, and devoid of good works. That is a travesty
of the gospel; they are only fooling themselves. Protestants do not
believe that solitary faith saves if the individual's life is lacking in
good works. We are convinced that the Biblical position on the relation between
faith, works and justification can be represented thus: Faith ® Justification plus Works We assert that “a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of
the law” (Romans 3:28). Positively, the believer is justified “by
faith” because he relies completely on the merits of Christ. Negatively,
justification is “apart from the deeds of the law”. The believer is not
accounted as righteous because of personal obedience to the law. “We have
believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ
and not by the works of the law” (Galatians 2:16) – that is sola
fide! Good works follow justification. The believer is released from guilt
and condemnation -- freed to live righteously before
God. Indeed, unless a person is first justified, he cannot do a single
deed that is pleasing to God. Any action done by the hands of a rebellious and
condemned sinner is stained with sin and is not acceptable to God. So, faith produces much fruit in the Christians' life; yet
we would not
dream of relying on personal works for justification. Our faith rests on
Christ alone. On the other hand, the Roman Catholic teaching on this matter can be
represented thus: Faith plus Works ® Justification Catholics are taught that faith is "the foundation and root of all
justification" -- but evidently faith is not enough for
justification in the Catholic religion. Faith must be followed by baptism, “the instrument of
faith”, and thereafter by personal works to preserve and increase
righteousness for final justification. The Catholic hopes to be accounted
as having fully satisfied the law of God by the works he has done with God’s
help, and to be rewarded with eternal life for those good works and merits
(see note 2). Both Protestants and Catholics have works as an essential part of their
formula. But there is a crucial difference. Having been justified by
faith, good works are the necessary fruit in evangelical teaching.
There is no justification in the absence of good works for they are as
natural to salvation as breath is to a living man. On the other hand,
Catholics have works, added to faith, as the cause of salvation. In
other words, the Protestant obeys God because he is saved, whereas the
Catholic strives to gain eternal life by the merits of personal good works. The
difference is colossal. I must warn Catholics who say that they have faith, and yet continue to
depend on their good works for salvation, that they do not really believe
in Christ at all. Faith must be in Christ alone; and none in ourselves,
our goodness or our works. Please consider the following questions before God to see whether you
truly believe in Christ. For your salvation, do you rely by faith on the Lord Jesus Christ
alone? (Acts 16:31) Do you depend on yourself as well (your good life, prayers, going to
church, and so on)? (Philippians 3:4-9) Do you rely by faith in someone else apart from Christ (e.g., Mary,
the saints, the church)? (Acts 4:12) If you rely by faith in Christ alone, is there evidence that your
faith is real? Is it the kind of "faith working through love" (Galatians 5:6) or is it dead, a mere profession devoid of
good works? (James 2:17). I hope that you answer, "Yes, I rely by
faith in Christ alone for my justification; I do not trust in Mary or
any other creature; I place no confidence in my own merits and works.
Moreover, since I first believed in Christ, I have experienced the
transforming power of the Holy Spirit who enables me to live a godly
and fruitful life to the glory of God." Notes: [1] The Westminster Confession is
representative of the historical Protestant teaching on justification. It
teaches that believers are justified because of Christ's merits, which are
received by faith as "the alone instrument", and not for
anything "done by them". That is sola fide. Immediately sola
fide is distinguished from dead, solitary faith: it is not alone in the
person justified...is no dead faith, but worketh by love. “Those whom God effectually calleth, he also freely
justifieth: not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning
their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous;
not for anything wrought in them, or done by them, but for Christ's sake
alone; nor by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other
evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness; but by imputing the
obedience and satisfaction of Christ unto them, they receiving and resting
on him and his righteousness, by faith; which faith they have not of
themselves, it is the gift of God. Faith, thus receiving and resting on
Christ and his righteousness, is the alone instrument of justification:
yet is it not alone in the person justified, but is ever accompanied with
all other saving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love.” Similarly, article 12 of the Anglican's Church's 39
Articles speak of the necessity of good works as the fruit and evidence of
living faith: "Albeit that good works, which are the fruits of
faith, and follow after justification, cannot put away sins, and endure
the severity of God's judgemnet; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to
God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily of a true and lively faith;
insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known as a tree
discerned by the fruit." [back] [2] According to Catholic teaching, man
is enabled to do good works, fulfill the divine law and merit eternal
life. "And, for this cause, life eternal is to be
proposed to those working well unto the end, and hoping in God, both as a
grace mercifully promised to the sons of God through Jesus Christ, and as
a reward which is according to the promise of God Himself, to be
faithfully rendered to their good works and merits. For this is that
crown of justice which the Apostle declared was, after his fight and
course, laid up for him, to be rendered to him by the just judge, and not
only to him, but also to all that love his coming. For, whereas Jesus
Christ Himself continually infuses his virtue into the said justified,-as
the head into the members, and the vine into the branches,-and this virtue
always precedes and accompanies and follows their good works, which
without it could not in any wise be pleasing and meritorious before God, -
we must believe that nothing further is wanting to the justified, to
prevent their being accounted to have, by those very works which have been
done in God, fully satisfied the divine law according to the state of this
life, and to have truly merited eternal life, to be obtained also in
its (due) time, if so be, however, that they depart in grace" (Trent
Session VI, Chapter 16). [back]
© Dr Joseph Mizzi |