Question: You said that there are no priests in the church
distinct from the laity. It is not true because the apostle Paul wrote
to Titus: "This is why I left you in Crete, that you might amend what
was defective and appoint Presbyters (Greek for Priests) in every town
as I have directed you" (Titus 1:5). Then Paul gives the qualifications
a man needs to be a priest.
Answer: No, there are no Catholic priests in the New Testament. The
Roman priesthood was not instituted by Christ; it is a human invention that
evolved in the post-apostolic period.
It is simply not true that "presbyter" means
"priest". The Greek terms used in the New Testament to
describe the ministers
of the church are: 1. presbuteros (presbyters, elders); 2. episkopos (bishops, overseers); and
3. poimen (pastors,
shepherds). They are never called hiereus, which is the Greek word
for priest.
The change in the title of the ministers in the
Catholic church corresponds to the change in their role. The Council of
Trent defines the specific functions of the Catholic priest: "If any one saith, that there is not in the New Testament a visible
and external priesthood; or that there is not any power of consecrating
and offering the true body and blood of the Lord, and of forgiving and
retaining sins; but only an office and bare ministry of preaching the
Gospel… let him be anathema" (Council of Trent, Session 23, Canon I).
Thus the two main functions
of the priest are:
The offering of the propitiatory sacrifice of the
The forgiveness sins by the sacrament of penance.
How does this compare to the teaching of the New Testament? In the
apostolic church, the Eucharist was considered a "remembrance" and a
of the Lord and His sacrifice, and not a carrying on, perpetuation, renewal and
re-presentation of the sacrifice of Christ, as the modern Catholic Church
teaches. There is no place for a "visible and external
priesthood" in
the church since Christ, our Priest, offered one perfect sacrifice, and
He ever lives to intercede for His own. "He, because He continues
forever, has an unchangeable priesthood" (Hebrew 7:24). The Greek word
(aparabatos) translated "unchangeable" means "not passing away,
untransferable, perpetual." Unlike the Levitical priests, who had to
pass on their ministry from generation to the next because of death,
Jesus Christ lives forever and therefore His priesthood is not
transferred to anyone.
The other key aspect of the Catholic priesthood, auricular
confession, was not practiced in the Western church until after the
seventh century. The apostles and elders in the early church did not
hear confession, give absolution or prescribe penance for the remission
of sins. Rather they were involved primarily in the preaching and
teaching of the Gospel; they insisted that forgiveness was through faith
in Christ. "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to
testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living
and the dead. To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever
believes in Him will receive remission of sins" (Acts 10:42,43). The
Council of Trent derogates this work as "only an office and bare
ministry of preaching the Gospel" -- the Bible exalts it as the
divine mandate to reach out the world with the grace and forgiveness of
Today, Christian pastors continue to lead people to Christ by the
preaching of the Word that they may receive life and forgiveness
through faith in Him. We thank God for their faithful and invaluable
service to us.
The Roman priest stand in the way between the sinner and Christ. We
cannot benefit from the sacrifice of the cross, or so we are told,
unless the Catholic priest offers the sacrifice of the Mass. Nor can we
receive God’s forgiveness apart from priestly absolution. That is not
true! The Catholic priest is a stumbling block to the soul who is
seeking God. The way is wide open to all who come by faith Jesus Christ.
"Through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of