Question: You have abandoned the Roman Catholic Church. This is
what the Bible says about you: "They went out from us, but they
were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have
continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest
that they were not all of us" (1 John 2:19).
Answer: The author of those words is the apostle John; "went out from us"
refer to some nominal disciples who had departed from the fellowship,
teaching and practice of the apostolic church. To whom then should this
warning be applied today? Who is believing and acting like they did in the
apostolic church? Evangelical Christians or Roman Catholics?
Have we evangelicals departed from the apostolic faith? We confess
our sins directly to God as Jesus taught us in the Lord's Prayer. We
consider the Lord's Supper a memorial, as Jesus explained; and believe that
His sacrifice is finished and that there are no more offerings for sins.
We rely on Jesus' shed blood for cleansing from sin. We pray to God
only; we make and bow down before no graven image. We consider the Lord
Jesus as our one and only mediator, and call on His name alone for
salvation, calling Jesus our life and hope.
Or have you Roman Catholics departed from the apostolic faith to
follow the late inventions of human traditions? You confess your sins
privately to a priest even though the early Christians did not. You
change the meaning of the Eucharist from a memorial feast into a daily
and propitiatory sacrifice for sin. You seek to expiate your sins by
your penances and purgatorial pains. You pray to dead saints and bow
down before graven images, contrary to the second commandment. You
consider Mary, a creature, the Mediatrix of your salvation, and call
her, a creature, your life and hope.
Clearly, some "went out" from the apostolic faith and practice.
The Word of God judges between us.