Question: I assume you deny the Catholic idea that Holy
Tradition and the Bible are equal. Well, I can be pretty sure that you
follow a little bit of Tradition. For instance, I assume you believe in
the Trinity. Show me where the word Trinity is in the Bible, or where it
specifically says that God is three in one, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. Of course there are scriptural undertones that back up the
Trinity, but the Bible never mentions the word or the doctrine of the
Answer: If I follow you correctly, you are arguing in the
following manner:
You, a Protestant, follow tradition
The Roman Catholic church also follows Tradition
Therefore Protestants should accept the Roman Catholic notion of
Holy Tradition.
Your argument illustrates a logical fallacy, which we may call a
fallacy of ambiguity, or a fallacy of equivocation. The same word is
used with two different meanings. That’s like the guy who protested,
“The sign said ‘fine for parking here’, and since it was fine,
I parked there!” Similarly, you are using the word
"tradition" with two different meanings. The
"traditions" that I follow have nothing to do in principle
with the Roman Catholic “Holy Tradition.’
Tradition is a word that can be used in a variety of ways. I can say
that it is the tradition in our church to meet twice on Sunday. In this
case, tradition simply means an established custom. It can also mean an
inheritance or the handing down of information and beliefs from one
generation to another. Protestants believe in this "tradition"
(2 Thessalonians 2:15). We spare no effort to pass on the faith to
others, and to the next generation, by our verbal and written
But the Catholic theologian has something entirely different in mind
when he speaks of Holy Tradition. This is the definition given by the
Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 81): “Holy Tradition
transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to
the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It transmits it to
the successors of the apostles...” Holy Tradition is not some custom
that arose in the church during history, or something that we do as a
habit. It is supposed to be the pure Word of God given to the apostles
by Christ and the Holy Spirit, and which came to us through the Catholic
So, when you tell me that I follow a bit of tradition, you confuse
the Catholic concept of Tradition with the ordinary meaning of the word.
The theological term "Trinity" was coined by the church
Fathers, and you can justly say that it is a tradition, or an
inheritance, which we accept. But the word "Trinity" does not
originate from the apostles themselves. It is not "the Word of God
entrusted to the apostles." Therefore it has nothing to do with the
Roman Catholic "Holy Tradition."
I think you can see the logical fallacy, but allow me to add
something else. It is amazing that in order to attack the doctrine of sola
Scriptura (the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith) you are
willing to undermine the Biblical evidence for the cardinal doctrine of
the Christian faith. I am dismayed by what you wrote about the doctrine
of the Trinity. We are not speaking about a theological term, or a
creedal formulation, but about the doctrine itself. The Watchtower
Society would be very glad to publish your letter! Do you really believe
that there are only “undertones” to back up this doctrine, and
indeed that the Bible “never mentions” it? Athanasius and Augustine
would turn in their grave if they could hear such nonsense!
Here's what Athanasius has to say about this matter:
Vainly then do they (the Arians) run about with the
pretext that they have demanded Councils for the faith's sake; for divine
Scripture is sufficient above all things; but if a Council be needed on the
point, there are the proceedings of the Fathers, for the Nicene Bishops did
not neglect this matter, but stated the doctrines so exactly, that persons
reading their words honestly, cannot but be reminded by them of the religion
towards Christ announced in divine Scripture (De Synodis, 6).
The "divine Scripture is sufficient above all things" -
including ecumenical Councils. Moreover the teaching of the Nicene
Council (and any other Council) is useful and true because it is
consistent with "the religion towards Christ announced in divine
Augustine adds:
If anyone preaches either concerning Christ or concerning His
church or concerning any other matter which pertains to our faith and
life; I will not say, if we, but what Paul adds, if an angel from heaven
should preach to you anything besides what you have received in the
Scriptures of the Law and the Gospels, let him be anathema (Contra
litteras Petiliani).
There is no part of the Christian faith that is not written in the
Holy Scriptures! We do not need Tradition to supply some essential
doctrine that is missing in the Bible.