Question: I have a question on the Catholic belief about
being damned for leaving the Church. I left the Catholic Church and I am
concerned, really concerned. Can you help me in this situation? Since
Easter I have been feeling guilty and doubtful. Is there salvation
outside the Catholic Church? I am trying to raise my family in the Lord
and I don’t want to mislead my little ones. Can you help shed some
light on this?
Answer: I can sense the turmoil in your soul and I understand
you. I've been through a similar experience myself. It is obvious that
you are a conscientious person and the last thing you want to do is to
bring God's judgement upon yourself and mislead your family. I hope and
pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and compassion to reassure you.
I feel angry about the way the Catholic Church regards people like
you and me who, following our convictions, leave the Roman Catholic
Church and join a Christian fellowship. In this age of ecumenism, to
people of every sort of religion - Buddhists, Muslims, animists,
or whatever form of paganism that exist under the sun - the Pope and the
Vatican reassure them that they can be saved in their religion. They
reassure Muslims, even though they reject the Deity of our Lord Jesus.
But not former Catholics! We are worse than the Devil himself. Our great
heresy? Our great sin? Is it perhaps because we follow our conscience?
Is it because we rely by faith in Christ alone for salvation? Or is it
perhaps because we follow the Bible only as our guide to Heaven? No! Our
great sin, our great heresy, is that we left the Roman Church!
Brother, do not be intimidated by the threatening of mere man.
The issue is not whether salvation is obtained by membership in a
particular denomination. Salvation is found in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,
not a particular church organization! Christ is the Saviour, the church (his people) are the
saved ones. God "has made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him
we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according
to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:6). "And that from
childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you
wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15).
Salvation is not in a particular church; salvation is IN CHRIST. Whom are you
trusting for salvation? Formerly you followed the Roman tradition,
working to merit eternal life by your religious works and penance.
Formerly you depended on a system that claimed to dispense salvation bit
by bit through it’s sacraments. But now, since you became a Christian,
your only hope, your only trust, your only reliance is Christ Jesus who
shed His blood for you. Isn't that so? If you can honestly say,
"Yes, all my faith is in Christ Jesus," then brother, I can
assure you on the authority of the Word of God, that your salvation is
in the hands of the Good Shepherd who never ever looses one of His
If, having heard the Gospel, you have trusted in Christ, you are now
sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). And since you have the
Spirit, you are a member of the body of Christ, His church (1
Corinthians 12:13). The church is not any particular denomination or
sect, but all the redeemed, all His people. Rest assured, brother, that
if you are saved through faith, you are a member of His church. In this
sense, the saying is true, that there is no salvation outside the