Question: What is your opinion of celebrating Christmas? Some
research shows that it originally was a pagan holiday. Surely all the
Christians who have been celebrating the birth of Christ can't be wrong! I
believe in their hearts they are truly honouring that day for Jesus. Your
Answer: In the early church the disciples met on the first
day of the week, Sunday, the day of the resurrection of our Lord (Acts
20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). Following the apostolic example, Christians
continue to meet on the Lord's Day to worship together.
There is no example or precept in the New Testament for
the church to celebrate
Christmas or any other special feast. It seems to me that if the Lord
required His people to celebrate certain feasts, He would have given
instructions to that effect, just as He did in the Old Testament (the Jews
celebrated seven main feasts). But He didn't. The absence of such
instructions is a strong argument against those who would introduce
obligatory “Christian”
feasts upon the whole church. At best, whoever wants to
celebrate Christmas or Easter can do so according to His own conscience,
but no one has the right to impose these feasts and create unnecessary
tension in the church by insisting that everyone should do the same.
Those of us who see the importance of the example of the early
Christian churches should also note that this feast was not celebrated
until after the fourth century; the 25th of December was probably
chosen to replace a pagan feast in honour of the sun. You consider it
unlikely that all the Christians who have been celebrating Christmas
throughout the centuries could be wrong. By the same token, I ask you,
what about the early Christians who for centuries did not celebrate this
feast? Were they wrong for not celebrating a feast that the New Testament,
and even early tradition, know nothing about? The validity of a belief or
practice should not be based on its popularity; we should look for
guidance in God’s Word.
If you want to remember Christ's birth on that particular date, feel
free to do so. "One person esteems one day above another; another
esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He
who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe
the day, to the Lord he does not observe it" (Romans 14:5,6). I am
sure that as a Christian you would refrain from the pagan and sinful
practices that often characterize these days, like drunkenness, gluttony,
spending more than you can afford, and lying to kids about Santa Claus.
On the other hand, I would ask you to consider the following
Scriptures, which speak against the celebration of feasts in the New
Testament Church:
But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is
it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you
desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons
and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain
(Galatians 4:10,11).
So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival
or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but
the substance is of Christ (Colossians 2:16,17).
Of course the apostle Paul was not speaking about Christmas or Easter
– these feasts were not even known in the apostolic churches. He is
correcting the early disciples for inventing a religious calendar; adding feasts and festivals not
instituted by the Lord, or Jewish feasts which have been abolished because
they had been fulfilled in
Christ. The principle certainly applies to all feasts
invented and introduced after the apostolic era. Christians did
not need feasts – merely “a
shadow” and “weak and beggarly elements” – since we have a living and personal relationship with
God through faith in Jesus.
Despite these scriptures, the Roman Catholic authorities include
Christmas, Easter and other feasts as a "holy days of
obligation" and insist that all should keep these days holy, along
with the Lord’s Day. They condemn anyone who does not celebrate
Christmas as breaking the commandment of God. The Baltimore Catechism
warns: "Holy days of obligation are special feasts of the Church on
which we are bound, under pain of mortal sin, to hear Mass and to keep
from servile or bodily labours when it can be done without great loss or
inconvenience." The Catholic Church is
dead wrong here.
To this threat, we respond as instructed by the apostle Paul: we will
let any man or Pope judge us in respect of an holy day, whether it's
Christmas or any other feast invented by man. We know Christ in truth,
and we rejoice in Him all year round.
In conclusion, no church should force all members to celebrate
Christmas or any other feast. Yet, individual Christians have the liberty
to esteem one day above the other.